What is your personality type?

Do you know what personality type you are? There are 5 types to pick from. You might be emotional, or intellectual. This is a short quiz that has 30 true or false questions.

Do YOU know your personality type? Until now, I think you had no idea! But all you need to do is answer these questions and know what things you relate to, and in just a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: Aarna
  1. You have lots- tons of energy
  2. You love to touch things
  3. You can picture things vividly
  4. You are very curious
  5. You care a lot about other people
  6. You love movement
  7. You love- LOVE food (Practically obssesed)
  8. You have a good sense of humor (Ask someone)
  9. You love to read
  10. You love animals
  11. You love fast games
  12. You love music
  13. You like to invent things
  14. You love learning
  15. You are very sensitive
  16. You talk a lot
  17. You love sunsets
  18. You love fantasy
  19. You want everything to be fair
  20. You love shopping
  21. You worry a lot
  22. You can concentrate for long periods
  23. You are easily frustrated
  24. You bite your nails
  25. You hate labels in your clothes
  26. You like to stretch the truth
  27. You always want to be right
  28. You are shy and nervous

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Quiz topic: What is my personality type?