What is your personality!? (Not accurate sorry)

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This is my first quiz so it is just an experiment for me. It would make me so happy if you do it. It is supposed to be a personality quiz but eh. Okay...

(I am creating this while brushing/flossing/mouthwashing in the bathroom lol) I hope you enjoy my quiz!!!!!!!!!!! I know I am proud!! I like cats btw haha

Created by: Yeetygurl
  1. Is George tired?
  2. Yee says the cow!!!
  3. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  4. Do you like cats?
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. Do you like ramen?
  7. Do you have any pets?
  8. Yeet fam
  9. Are you bored?
  10. Last question!!!!?

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Quiz topic: What is my personality!? (Not accurate sorry)
