What Is Your Personality Colour?

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Colours are often, for some reason, associated closely with certain personality traits. This quiz will analyze the answers given in order to calculator what colour the personality traits implied by the answers would be associated with.

The possible results are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Each result comes along with a semi-detailed description of what it means. Please answer each question honestly for maximum accuracy.

Created by: Bee
  1. For this segment of the test, please select how much you agree with the given statement.
  2. You prefer to be a leader, rather than a follower.
  3. You never give up once you have set a goal for yourself.
  4. You are always thinking of new ideas and inventions to pursue.
  5. You are kind to everyone.
  6. You can sense and understand the emotions of other people.
  7. You are able to easily calm other people.
  8. You think rather highly of yourself.
  9. You are very passionate about your interests.
  10. You tend to keep your ideas to yourself, even if they are good ideas.
  11. You consider yourself artistic, or skilled in some form that of the arts.
  12. You are more likely to offer advice, rather than emotional support.
  13. You are caring and sensitive.
  14. You have a good level of self confidence.
  15. You often make decisions on a whim.
  16. You enjoy meeting new people.
  17. You feel like no one can truly understand you.
  18. You are, in general, a calm and down-to-Earth person.
  19. You prefer to keep your feelings and emotions to yourself.
  20. You sometimes feel like you must earn the affection of other people, even people you are close with.
  21. You don't like to tell other people how you feel- you don't want to bother them.
  22. You sometimes can't tell when people just want for you to listen and not give advice.
  23. You can convince yourself that you will not like a person, and end up not even giving them a chance.
  24. You are somewhat meek.
  25. You can be quite competitive.
  26. You don't always consider the consequences of your actions.
  27. You don't have much difficulty expressing how you feel.
  28. You are quite independent.
  29. You try to make other people happy.
  30. You are quite imaginative.
  31. You avoid confrontation whenever possible.
  32. You dislike introducing yourself to new people.
  33. You try not to let your emotions influence your decision making.
  34. You are somewhat reserved.
  35. You have difficulty understanding the feelings of other people.
  36. You would consider yourself compassionate.
  37. You work in a methodical manor.
  38. You believe people should focus on solving their problems independently.
  39. You rely on logic more than your emotions.
  40. You are difficult to get to know.
  41. Your work in organized and methodical.
  42. For the last question, select which answer best applies to you.
  43. Would you be considered an introvert or an extrovert?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Personality Colour?
