What is your Personality as a Cat?

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This quiz is about what your cat personality is! You can be murderous, hungry, agreeable, etc. You will want to take this quiz, trust me! I will take the quiz and get my answer!

Not everyone is a fan of a quiz! Like in school, say, you had to take a math quiz! Do you want to? NO! Do you have to? Yes! Now, you don't have to take this quiz, but believe me, you would want to!

Created by: Kestrel Rutherford
  1. Hello, kitty! I will name you Canary!
  2. Alright, Canary! Come get a toy!
  3. Come get your dry food!
  4. Canary! You're going to a public school so you can entertain kids with your speech! Come on!
  5. Canary... I have to release you to the wild because I don't have enough money to feed you. Are you okay with it?
  6. Some random black tabby comes up to you and asks if you would follow them. Do you?
  7. No matter what, you follow them. Then, some other cat kills the cat you were following. What do you do to the other cat?
  8. The same cat grabs you and takes you to an open clearing surrounded by trees. What do you do?
  9. They allow you to enter 'LakeClan'. You are taken to the leader, and she says that you can join the clan. What do you want to do now?
  10. You become the most loyal cat in the Clan, and your leader dies in a battle with another Clan. What do you do? [you are the deputy]

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Quiz topic: What is my Personality as a Cat?
