What is your personality archetype? (10 Questions)

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What type of person do you think you are? Find out in this highly imperfect and relatively incorrect quiz! Are you ready to take it? No? Well then, I'm mad now.

I'm trying to fill up my two paragraphs as quickly as possible. Any ideas? No? Well then, I'm once again mad at you. E! E! E! E! Wow, that's a really big star!

Created by: someone
  1. What is your biggest strength?
  2. Which sounds most like you?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. What is your biggest weakness (Have a friend or family member do this one)?
  5. Do you make many jokes?
  6. Are you usually rude?
  7. Do you seize control often?
  8. How much do you talk?
  9. Do you like to correct people?
  10. Are you, by any means, artistic?

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Quiz topic: What is my personality archetype? (10 Questions)
