What is your personality?

Hi my name is. This is another quiz of mine. My cousin suggested this so I tried it. This is one of my best quizzes so I a most likely hoping that you like it.

Each question is quite easy but I suggest taking them seriously and taking time with them. This is way better than my last one because my last one, everyone got combos. Anyways good luck!

Created by: Sienna spiteri
  1. How many friends would you want?
  2. What type of day would you rather want?
  3. How many people do you want to be near?
  4. What do you think your personality is?
  5. What would your lights in your house be like?
  6. What clothes would you wear?
  7. How often do you talk?
  8. What is your ideal person?
  9. How do you like people?
  10. What lipstick would you like to wear?

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Quiz topic: What is my personality?
