What is your personality?

Many people think about themselves at one point. They think, who am I truly or what do my friends think of me? We all want to know just who we truly are, deep inside. They way you act, feel or do things just gives us another clue to the answer.

Buuuttt there is another way to finding out. A quiz! This simple oersonality test will surely reveal who the real you is! Answer these questions honestly and you will figure out in no time who u r.

Created by: Jada

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You're friend recently got dumped by her bf. You...
  2. You meet up with your friends over the weekend. You head to...
  3. Favourite colour?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What description best suits your room?
  6. How do you handwrite?
  7. Best word to describe you at the moment?
  8. What is in you closet?
  9. In the morning...
  10. When do you usually do your homework?

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Quiz topic: What is my personality?