What Is Your Personality? | Comments

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  • What Is Your Personality?
    Your Result: Your Funny!

    Your that kind of person who can go up to any group and make them laugh!!The jokester of your friends. How do u do it they ask?? It comes naturally!! Haha!!

    Soooo true!! Today at summer gym, I walked towards one of my group of friends and I was trying to find one of my friends, Staci, and I couldn't find her. So I was like, "Where's Staci?" and someone said, "Right there." and I still didn't see her so I said it again and then someone else said, "Right in front of you." And I still didn't see her so I said, "I can't see her. I don't know where she is!!" and then I found her. She was playing on her phone so she was zoned out and I said, "Oh, there you are, Staci. I didn't see you." And then we all started laughing :P Awesome quiz btw :D


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