What is your perfect steak cut?

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Do you love steak but are unsure of which kind you should purchase? See which cut is recommended for you. Most people are only familiar with a few popular options.

At the completion of this quiz, I will provide information for a high-quality farm-to-table home delivery service that is available in South Carolina and Maryland.

Created by: Laurel Leach of My Heartland Page
(your link here more info)
  1. How important is price when you are buying a steak?
  2. What temperature do you like your steak?
  3. When choosing a cut, is flavor important to you?
  4. Do you tend to favor the leaner cuts of steak?
  5. Do you like to marinate your steaks?
  6. How do you prefer to cook your steaks?
  7. Do you prefer bone-in?
  8. Do you want your cut of meat to be prepped and cooked quickly?
  9. When choosing a cut, is tenderness important to you?
  10. Is grass fed important to you?

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Quiz topic: What is my perfect steak cut?
