What Is Your Patronus?

What is your true, corporeal Patronus? This quiz will help you find out.

This quiz is not perfect, and so I may make another one with different results if none of the ones on here do not fit you. Please comment and rate. Or don't.

Created by: AcelynnSerpuntus

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Preference for light?
  2. Element?
  3. Eye color?
  4. Role-play time. You are walking in the halls of Hogwarts with your friends. A student from a rival house comes up and insults you.
  5. It's transfiguration class, and you are give the opportunity to try and become an animagus. What do you become?
  6. You get out of Transfiguration, and an attractive member of the opposite gender smiles at you from across the hall.
  7. The previous attractive person is now one of your friends.
  8. You are in Hogsmeade, and a snowball fight breaks out!
  9. You are drawing in Magical History. What do you draw?
  10. "Excuse me!" Professor Binns has caught you. Excuse?
  11. It is nighttime, and you are sitting at a window in your Dormitory. What are you thinking about?
  12. If the results you get on this quiz aren't exactly you, would you take another quiz with different results in order to truly find your Patronus?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Patronus?