What is your otp in Harry potter

There are good ships and bad ships but no matter what remember that you cant chose a ship the ship choses you and if its a bad one just embrace it and be proud.

Do you want to find who your otp is in Harry potter well this quiz is just for you. Just answer some questions made by me and you will find you one true pair and hopefully it wont be a s---ty one or your f---ed.

Created by: Yusra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who would make a cuter couple? Harry and...
  2. Do you like voldermort?
  3. Do you like Draco?
  4. Are you gay? (im too tired to think of more question tbh lol)
  5. Who do you think is better with luna? (My wife ok)
  6. Who is most likely to be with voldermort?
  7. Who is your favourite charecter
  8. Are you a muggle?
  9. Which character would you most like to be friends with?
  10. Who would you rather died?

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Quiz topic: What is my otp in Harry potter