What is your other name?(guys only)

I have many guy friends with many different personalities. Some are athletic, some are kind etc. And I want to know which one you are most like.Its not really a hard test it will just ask you a few questions about your personality.Can you handle it? Oh! and your results are actually true about that friend of mine.

Do you have a personality? Do you have a personality like my friends? Take this quiz to find out which one of my guy friends you are most like. Good Luck!!!!!! !!! !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!!!!!! !!! !!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !! !!! !!! !!! !!!!!! !!!

Created by: Kate of xoxkatieepooxox
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourtite sport?
  2. Pick one...
  3. What is your Fave movie out of these?...
  4. What 2 names would you prefer for yourself?
  5. If there was someone outside of a mall needing money, seriously, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
  6. How many sports do you play?
  7. What two words best describe you?
  8. I have a dog name Kaylee
  9. What color would describe you? NOT your fave color.
  10. Fave Color?

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Quiz topic: What is my other name?(guys only)