what is your nickname

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do you have a nickname? No? Well that's not right lets get you one but first we need to find a few thing's out take the quiz and we'll let you know at the end

if you take the quiz now you'll find out your hidden nickname! we'd love to help you so please take this quiz and we'll help you for sure totally come on do it

Created by: Paulina Vaitiekunaite

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you dream about?
  2. what is your personality like?
  3. do you like scaring people
  4. what do you prefer?
  5. pick one
  6. pick one
  7. truth or dare
  8. how many times do you blink per minute
  9. pick one
  10. what's your fav genre?

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Quiz topic: What is my nickname