What is Your Most Common Mood?

Well, have you always been curious on what your most constant mood is but those mood rings don't work? Well, take this quiz and find out, will ya?!!!!

WARNING: Don't get mad at me if you get an answer you don't want. This quiz is not accurate, but most the time it is if you answer honestly. Believe me.

Created by: Firewolf339

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, I'll start off simple. Which result do you think you are?
  2. Ready to start?
  3. Okay, question one: So, we'll start simple. Your mom tells you to go clean the kitchen; how do you react?
  4. You forget your homework and your teacher is annoyed with you; how do you react to it.
  5. If someone died before your eyes, how would you react?
  6. Hmm...you have a choice of broccoli or mushrooms for your vegetable with dinner. How would you react when you have to choose one of the two?
  7. Your mom turns on her music, but you hate the song. How would you react?
  8. You won a lunch with your teacher, but you don't want to do it, even though your mom said you have to. How do you treat your teacher at it?
  9. Your favorite teacher hugs you, but you didn't want them to know they were your favorite. What do you do?
  10. Last question next. What do you think it is? (Does not affect your score)
  11. If you chose teacher, you're right. (What I'm about to ask is a true story that happened to me, BTW) Your school is closing and you go and hug your favorite teacher on the last day. You tell her/him you love her/him in a motherly/fatherly way and she/he responds with, "I love you too." How do react? (Mine was a she, BTW...I'm a girl, don't worry xD)

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Quiz topic: What is my Most Common Mood?