What is your mojo level?

Dictionary Definition of Mojo: "A metaphorical substance that lives inside you, the more powerful your mojo is the more are attracted to you." That's what all this is about.

So do you think your living on the side of pavements or are you sitting in a mojo throne?.............FIND OUT BY PLAYING THIS QUIZ!......................................................................................PLAY IT NOW!

Created by: Nick T
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you appealing to girls?
  2. What is your style to look cool?
  3. What is your food to eat if your on a date, out of the following?
  4. What is your method of impressing a date?
  5. Do you think your mojo his high or low?
  6. How many times have you been out with someone?
  7. Where are you on the flirt-o-metre
  8. What colour hair do you have
  9. What would you classify yourself as?
  10. Do people want to be you?

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Quiz topic: What is my mojo level?