What is your mermaid element! | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your mermaid element!
Water mermaid,I do like to go swimming alot and be very adventurous like the waters I also can tend to have major mood swings alot especially when I'm upset. Cool quiz mate.
you are a wind mermaid! wind mermaids are lovely and smart.You have a perple/silver or white tail.you are smarter than smart....most of the time! not that,that is a bad thing! you use your powers for good and tend to 'blow!' peple away with your special attituide.you are wind.
This was a really cool quiz, I love mermaids and this totally sounds like me
you are a wind mermaid! wind mermaids are lovely and smart.You have a perple/silver or white tail.you are smarter than smart....most of the time! not that,that is a bad thing! you use your powers for good and tend to 'blow!' peple away with your special attituide.you are wind.
I think this was pretty good! Also, please read my friend's quiz series, If You Follow a Rabbit!
I like my answer water mermaid yeah O:-) O:-)
bell1 -
Water. Are you a Mermaid cos I am?
aw?! ;-( a've not seing my tail! i feel lyk crying!!
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