what is your meme

There once was a boy named HarryDestined to be a starHis parents were killed by VoldemortWho gave him a lightning scarYo Harry! You're a wizard! bababababa

Harry goes to Hogwarts, he meets Ron and HermioneMcGonagall requires he play for GryffindorDraco is a daddy's boy, Quirrell becomes unemployedThe Sorcerer's Stone is destroyed by DumbledoreRon breaks his wand, now Ginny's gone

Created by: nobody knowwws
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. Pick a number Belowww!
  3. should i end it now
  4. roblo game
  5. idk
  6. yyyyyyajh
  7. idrk
  8. thats not my problem
  9. quck quck
  10. lllalaalalaaaaaaaaaallllllalalaaaaalala

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Quiz topic: What is my meme
