what is your magic element

why do you want to know what your element is? becase you do and i wantyou to know that this quizis for you all out there it is a big world

how many times do you like checking your mirror you wont need to cause its a bigworld out there see you at the end

Created by: hi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who do you value most in life?
  2. where is your favorite place?
  3. what element do you like most?
  4. would you rather be a fairy or a witch/wizard
  5. what do you like most
  6. what is your favorite color?
  7. do you love freindship
  8. which do you like the most
  9. what do you like the most
  10. why did you take this quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my magic element