what is your label?

this quiz is made so you can figure out what you are. it isn't serious. so just take the qiiz and have fun. i men it. you better do it, or elso i will make you. i swear. i'll jump through the computer and eat your brains!

so what are you reading this fo? take the quiz already. come on, you know you want to, com on, do it, do it, do it! come on and go take it, stop reading this already!

Created by: kerri

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do you like to spend your weekend?
  2. what personality so you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  3. what kind of music do you like?
  4. MCR is comin to you town, do you get a ticket?
  5. fave color?
  6. are you a virgin?
  7. fave things to wear
  8. the last Q is here! what would you do if your result is the opposite of what you thought you were?
  9. ha ha, i was joking, do you think this is the last one?
  10. well you guessed it, it has to have more Q's. what do you wanna say to the creator?
  11. ever purposely hurt yuorself?
  12. gettin tired of this quiz?
  13. do you read the bible
  14. ha ha ha we have reached the end!

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Quiz topic: What is my label?