What is your key beauty word?

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What kind of beauty do you have? AND you DO have a beauty... It's just what kind you have. SO; Try my quiz! There are five results... which one will you get?

When you get your results, please... RATE my quiz! Thanks so much! I bet you are going to get an awesome result. I mean... just look at yourself! You are a beauty!

Created by: A.A.K
  1. Your parents/guardians call you most often...
  2. How do you walk?
  3. Your smile is probably...
  4. Your hair is...
  5. Do you often get complements from your close friends?
  6. Do you often receive complements from random strangers?
  7. Do you often smile?
  8. How confident are you?1 being not at all and 10 being very.
  9. Do you think your pretty?
  10. Which fantasy creature would you be?
  11. Do you want to get married?
  12. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my key beauty word?
