What is your IQ???

What is your IQ??? Find out in this awesome quiz with only 12 questions.Try it soon as you can, and find out what is your IQ.

What is your IQ??? Find out in this awesome quiz with only 12 questions.Try it soon as you can, and find out what is your IQ.

Created by: EnderMan135

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Mary has a dad wich has five daughters.First is Nana, second is Nene, third is Nini, forth is Nonu. What is the name of fifth daughter?
  2. One orange costs $1.95. A boy needs to buy 10 oranges, but he only has $19.00. Does he have enough to buy 10 oranges? And if he does, will he get change and if yes, how much?
  3. What are the names of all nine planets, in order, and not including the Sun?
  4. How many Weeks Are In A Year?
  5. How many States Are There In The United States?
  6. What is The Chemical Equation For Water?
  7. What is The Capitol of California?
  8. The Electrical Power of Light Bulbs Is Measured In What Unit?
  9. The Summer Olympics Occur Every_____Years?
  10. Canada is Part of What Continent?

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Quiz topic: What is my IQ???