What Is Your Inner Mythical Creature?

Ever wondered that you might be like one of those creatures from the legends and myths? I sure did! And that is exactly the reason why I made this quiz.

This quiz has twelve simple questions. Please try to answer them honestly. There are a total of four creatures you can get as your result. Images are included, too! Find your inner Mythical creature, now!

Created by: xLoveAngelx
  1. If you had to pick a single hobby from the list, what would it be?
  2. What do you think your friends think about you?
  3. Do you like going outside and playing?
  4. What greek God would you choose?
  5. What animal do you think is your inner animal?
  6. What is your eye's color?
  7. And what is your hair color?
  8. What do you do when you have free time?
  9. Did you like my quiz? Because we are at the end of it!
  10. This is the end! Make sure to leave a comment and maybe leave some suggestions. And if you liked the quiz then please rate it. Time to get your results!

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Quiz topic: What Is my Inner Mythical Creature?