What is your Indian Name | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your Indian Name.
What is your Indian Name
Your Result: Piece of Gum Stuck to Desk 91%You are often misunderstood by others and get accused of things you did not do. Well, you may have done them, but you didn't mean for them to happen. You often feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and will someday learn to go around the rock when you first come upon it
i got the same lol
Wow that is knd of odd cause the quiz said my Native American name is "Woman with broken heal". Interstingly, back in July I broke both my ankle and my heel. My ankle is all better but my heel has yet to "heal" LOL weird.
frebrd332 -
Piece of Gum Stuck to Desk 83%
You are often misunderstood by others and get accused of things you did not do. Well, you may have done them, but you didn't mean for them to happen. You often feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and will someday learn to go around the rock when you first come upon it.
This Is A Absolute Joke, Right, I Was Being Serious When I Wanted To Find My Indian Name, But This Little Site Wasn't What I Was Looking For, It's To Childish, Dumb Like, If You Ask Me, I Agree With One Of The Prior Comments, I Have NEVER Heard Any Indian Called "Gum Stuck To Desk, Or " Dog Tail Between Legs" Pure Childish, And Stupid, This Site Needs To Grow Up & Do Some Research In Order To Even Have A Legit Site, Otherwise, "GET THE F OUT OF MY FACE" Ain't Got Time For Stupidity, Indian Girl63/ RollingStone63/r. s. 63" Get Real Cheyenne bustamante
What is your Indian Name
Piece of Gum Stuck to Desk 85%You are often misunderstood by others and get accused of things you did not do. Well, you may have done them, but you didn't mean for them to happen. You often feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and will someday learn to go around the rock when you first come upon it.
That's True.
Piece of gum stuck to desk what was that do u even know what are Indian names I'm an Indian and i don't know any Indian whose name is piece of gum stuck to the desk or whatever names you've given dumb quiz if you want then i can actually help you with some Indian names
Happy AJ1 -
Hair with no place??? That's NOT Indian if I'm so lost then I'd be called Far Rider or something (Yes that is a real Indian name) your name probably something like Big nut who needs to learn more names... that is the nice name
Payphone Ringing in Empty Hallway
I was expecting an actual Indian name. Oh well, I can deal with "Piece of Gum Stuck to Desk" -_-
someone needs a dictionary. smack on the head. this is dumb
Natles1 -
how's that Indian?
test151 -
i think its lousy....a BIG disappointment!
the worst quiz i have ever seen it deserves 0 stars and just tell me hows that indian.
lol U MAD?
matis6131 -
this is an lame website my idian name was stupid
That is NOT Indan. Brother Wolf is indan. I got dog with tale begind legs
how are these indian names like what are these
this is not indian im not no gum
amber171 -
Your all soo right F**K you b***h
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