what is your ideal pet

There are many people who take this quiz and it sorts out there dilemma of what pet to get become one of them be awesome

Are YOU confuzzled of what pet to get whether to get a dog or a cat well take this quiz and all that goes out the window!!!

Created by: Rebecca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much space do you have
  2. How much time do you have each day
  3. What do you want from a pet
  4. What is a pet to you
  5. Have you got children
  6. Would you like a pet
  7. What zoo animal would you like to keep (none of these are in answer but similars will show what you can handle)
  8. Are you ...
  9. When were you born
  10. Do you think this is a good quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my ideal pet