What is your Hunger Games Style?

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The Hunger Games is a yearly event that takes place in the future country of Panem. In the games, there are tons of different styles of tributes, and they all have their own strategy to win.

If the Hunger Games existed, what would be YOUR strategy? Would you be practical, and classic like Katniss? Or would you be mysterious, and tricky like Foxface? With 6 different results to receive, you'll get the most accurate results of what YOUR strategy would be.

Created by: Amanda

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are your favorite colors out of the ones listed below?
  2. Which of the following animals would you most want to have as a pet?
  3. How tall are you, and how do you feel about it?
  4. What is your dream hair color out of the ones listed below?
  5. What is your dream hair length out of the ones listed below?
  6. What is your favorite hairstyle out of the ones listed below?
  7. How pretty are you compared to other people?
  8. What district are you from, or want to be from?
  9. How do you feel about the Capitol?
  10. What time of day are you the most active?
  11. What's your favorite season?
  12. Are you a naturally active person?
  13. Which greeting are you most likely to use?
  14. Can you keep a secret?
  15. Do you tend to brag over your accomplishments?
  16. Do you hold grudges, or do you forgive easily?
  17. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  18. Are you a good sport when you loose?
  19. Which of the following magical elements best represents you?
  20. Were you reaped, or did you volunteer?
  21. Your a natural born...
  22. What genre of TV is your favorite?
  23. What genre of books is your favorite?
  24. Which traits best describes your personality?
  25. What's your biggest strength?
  26. What's your biggest weakness?
  27. What's your WOC (Weapon of choice)?
  28. Do you plan to make any allies?
  29. What traits are you looking for in an ally?
  30. What is your physical condition?
  31. What is your biggest fear?
  32. Are you friendly to other people?
  33. Are you likely to survive the Hunger Games?
  34. Would you rather be from District 1, or District 12
  35. When the gong for the Cornucopia Bloodbath rings, what will you do?
  36. During the Bloodbath, you see a severely injured tribute that is struggling to get up. What do you do?
  37. Has the idea of taking over the Cornucopia ever crossed your mind?
  38. Would you ever kill another tribute?
  39. What is your killing style?
  40. During the games, would you prefer to stay in the air, or on the ground?
  41. There is a tribute that you really want to be allies with. How would you prove yourself to them?
  42. Where will you retreat to after the Cornucopia Bloodbath?
  43. The Career pack comes up to you and asks you to join them. What do you do?
  44. Which phrase best describes you out of the ones listed below?
  45. While walking through the woods, you find a pack of knives, and a small pile of fruit. What do you do?
  46. What's your relationship with the Capitol?
  47. Lastly, what's your strategy for winning the Hunger Games?

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Quiz topic: What is my Hunger Games Style?