what is your hot kind?????

this test basicly tells you how hot you are and why that is IF you are hot , for very few people are hot and even less are sexy ,thats why my test tells you about hotness not sexyness>

trust me you will like this test and i'm not saying this because it's my test it's because it tells who stuff and it's still fun! HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IS YOUR HOT KIND???

Created by: brunet babe

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
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  1. who is "Mr Bean"
  2. which of these is needed in a BF/GF?
  3. how nice is you're body?
  4. which of these would you rather have?
  5. what is your fave?
  6. what do others think of you?
  7. niffy is favorite slpa la da la da la da a da
  8. which are most likely to say????
  9. what were/are you most likely to get in trouble for?
  10. bye this is the end of my test

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Quiz topic: What is my hot kind?????