what is your Harry Potter wand?

Hey guys!!! I am really happy that you are doing my quiz! It is the first Harry Potter quiz that I have done. I love the series, so I decided to make a quiz about it.

Hey again! If you want to, I have made other quizzes. They are about warriors and Percy Jackson. Do them please!now do my new quizzz!!! Bbyyeee!!! ; )

Created by: Elsa the Slytherin
  1. Are you in Hogwarts or ilvermorny?
  2. Which Hogwarts house are you in? (If you are in ilvermorny, choose IDK.)
  3. Which ilvermorny house are you in? (If you are in Hogwarts, pick IDK.)
  4. What is your favorite spell
  5. Pick a character
  6. What is your blood-status?
  7. Pick a marvel superhero
  8. Which is your favorite Harry Potter ship?
  9. Pick a broomstick
  10. Let fate decide

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Quiz topic: What is my Harry Potter wand?

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