What is Your Harry Potter House

This quiz is to see what your Harry Potter house is so yeah I like this there’s a dumb rule that this paragraph has to be 150 letters so I’m doing that

Results are:HufflepuffRavenclawGryffindor Slytherin. There’s a weird rule that this paragraph has to be 150 letters and that’s super annoying so yeah byee

Created by: Lyra
  1. What would you do if Voldemort came to your house?
  2. There’s a green glass door that only certain things can go through, for example, the moon can go in, the sun can’t, boots can go in, shoes can’t, green can go in, red can’t. How?
  3. Who’s your favourite character of the following:
  4. If I told you that you were weird what would you say?
  5. What would you say if I told you that you were a witch/wizard
  6. What’s your favourite colour?
  7. Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?
  8. If I told you to get me a cup of water, how full would you fill the cup? (It’s a super slow water machine)
  9. What’s your favourite animal?
  10. What’s your personality?
  11. Would you rather be related to:
  12. Pronounced as one letter, written with three, two letters there are, and two only in mr, I’m single, I’m double, I’m black, blue and grey, I’m red from both ends, and the same either way. What am I?

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Quiz topic: What is my Harry Potter House
