what is your greek god parent

this quiz is for people who find Greek mythology fun and for people who wish to be a demigod it can also be for curiosity because you might just want to know this

thank you for taking this quiz i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did making it this may be surprising but not a lot of people like Greek mythology

Created by: Philidelphia shake
  1. what would you prefer as a weapon
  2. what would you like to do
  3. who do you think you will get
  4. what velical would you prefer
  5. what animal is better
  6. im out of questions so what cearial do you like
  7. what type of house would you whant
  8. what type of chips do you like
  9. what type of pop do you like
  10. just pick a letter

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Quiz topic: What is my greek god parent