What Is Your Gender?
So, I'm assuming you clicked on this quiz because you just clicked on it randomly, you genuinely want to know what your gender is, you do know and just want to either make sure, or prove me wrong and call me stupid in the comments. I hope it's not the last one.... :D
In case you're wondering (that and I just don't know what to say here) I'll just talk a tiiiiiiny little bit about me (you don't have to read the rest of this if you don't want to, but you can if you wanna). I'm Canadian, (as I mention in one of the questions) I am gender neutral/neutrois (as I also think I mentioned in one of the questions), but I am nowhere close to really telling anybody, the only person who knows (that I know as well, sorry, that doesn't include everyone who took/is going to take my quiz or is reading this) is my boyfriend> I'm also pansexual, which I don't think I mentioned in the quiz, but whatever, I'm going to shut up now, sorry bout this. :D
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