What is your future with your nearest one?

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If you try this quiz you came to know many things. About your future and also your life. Future is something that makes up your life. And life is some thing that makes up you.

And here you are the lucky person who came to know your future with your nearest one. But you shall thank to this great quiz as you came to know many things.

Created by: Jagannath Saha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your nearest one?
  2. Imagine you are in a jungle. There you saw an animal. What is that animal? Is that a......
  3. Are you happy to see it?
  4. Imagine there is a cottage deep inside that jungle. Is it beautiful or bad condition?
  5. Inside that cottage there is a table what is its colour?
  6. What is kept on the table?
  7. After entering from another door you find a garden. What is its condition?
  8. In that garden you find another table. On it there is a glass. Is it broken or whole?
  9. Do you love that person or not?
  10. Are you excited to know your future with your nearest one........?

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Quiz topic: What is my future with my nearest one?