What is your future boyfriend]

Are you a kid? If yes this quiz will guess your future boyfriend.but before you start just know choose what describes you not anybody else and if you are gay or lesbian it's ok

Plz don't be upset if your future boyfriend is not what you want.none of there's are true but you might be lucky who knows it's ok if you are a kid and are taking this quiz you will enjoy it but if it make you cry at the end I'm sry!

Created by: Sophia
  1. Do you like muscular guys
  2. Do you like boys that like you back and are hot
  3. Do you like science geeks
  4. Are you hot?
  5. Do you like guys on TV or a celebrity
  6. Are you gay
  7. Have you chose Applebee's this whole quiz?
  8. FORTNITE any BTS is life
  9. Is your mom overprotective
  10. Are you popular

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Quiz topic: What is my future boyfriend]
