what is your fox kits names?

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in this quiz you shold find out about YOUR fox as well as your fox kits names. Thay are NOT coled PUPS that wold be wolfs kits are the onely name for foxes

thar are never any family quzzes for foxes you see. so what are your fox kits names I HAVE to let you no that thay are not coled pups ok? I wold love to talk to you... but I cant): I hope you have fun!!!

Created by: lolcat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are siting and you see a cat! what do you do!?!
  2. you are siting and you see a cat! what do you do!?!
  3. what kind of fox are you?
  4. can you swim?
  5. Ok:how much value was that?
  6. what is your fav. time of the year?
  7. I like fall:how much value was that?
  8. what is your fav. time to eat?
  9. ya: how much value was that?
  10. Ok a bit of stuff do you care I have a quack are you a fox do I car do you have a cat are you still reading this ok I don't no you shold stop reading this have you lost your minde?????????????
  11. hehehe...ok if your still hear do you think this is my first quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my fox kits names?