What Is Your Fear

You think you know what your fear is. If you don't take this quiz and find out. If you think you do still take this quiz it might turn out to be something else.

The fears you could get are The Dark, Spiders, Tight Spaces, Dyeing, Heights, and yeah I forgot the rest sorry but I hope you enjoy this quiz!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Desiree

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are in a small room by yourself what do you do.
  2. You see your dad holding a knife and your only five feet away
  3. You see a spider in your room
  4. There is an earthquake how do you react
  5. You see your own shawdow at the corner of your eye
  6. Do you have a hall light on or a night light or any light on at night.
  7. Your going on a hike and you see how high you are what is your reactions
  8. What do you think your fears are
  9. hfehfwebfwfjhhuf
  10. frjgjlrhg;ljerh;regjegkr

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Quiz topic: What Is my Fear