what is your favourite car

some people dont kwow what to look for or what they like so try out my quiz and it will tell what car you like just anser the qwestions it is not hard it just good fun and learn some facts through the way

if you like cars but you dont know whichone or why take my quiz and it will tell you kust anser the qwestions it is really simple and not hard it good fun for the car enthusaast and other and learn a thing or two on the way

Created by: sam
  1. what colour would your car be
  2. what would you like the top speed of your car to be
  3. what would you use your car for
  4. how much would you spend on your car
  5. if your dream car was being sold whatkind of people would it attract
  6. what would you like the inside of your car to be made of
  7. what would you like to the outside of your car to be made out of
  8. what is most important to you
  9. what is your type
  10. how big in liters would the powerplant have to be

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