what is your favourite book series?

you may be smart why not find out if you are not then too bad try better next time you are loved by us either way so find out now by taking this quiz i made

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now u could only wonder press the button already so i can get paid please

Created by: unicornlover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which one is your favourite book character?
  2. out of a hundreed percent how much do you love books
  3. how long does it take you to read a regular sized book?
  4. what is your favourite genres?
  5. do you think the person who created this is awesome
  6. are you very sociable and does it effect your reading?
  7. would you like to stop the test?
  8. who is your favourite harry potter character?
  9. are you just answering donald trump?
  10. what is your favourite subject?

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Quiz topic: What is my favourite book series?