what is your favorite youtuber

This shows what your favorite youtuber is.There is only three choices but it is my first quiz.hope you enjoy it guys,Bros,and Bossotronios!

Created by: Patrick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you rather be
  2. what would you rather play
  3. where would you rather live?
  4. do you like rage games
  5. do you like balls
  6. do you think that I have to put 12 freaking questions on this quiz (this has no effect on your answer)
  7. lets get to the point: What youtuber do you like?
  8. do you like barrels?
  9. OMG I didn't know making A quiz took so long! Anyway, if you were a youtuber what would you end your videos with
  10. Last question: do you scream alot?

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Quiz topic: What is my favorite youtuber