What is your favorite west coast football team?

i love you. you love me. can you answer these questions for me? with a stop reading this crap and answer these for me!!! yeah baby. jimmy has a cheeseburger

purple pink blue and green these colors just tell me. you have not answered the stupid questions. please answer the stupid. questions. answer the now so i can stop talking.

Created by: cow
  1. electrified. how to you feel?
  2. do you like purple?
  3. what team do you hate?
  4. are you scared of ghost?
  5. one second left. what do you do?
  6. what do you say after bob the builder?
  7. what super bowl game will you go to?
  8. pick a city
  9. are UFOs real?
  10. do you like hawks?
  11. pick a number
  12. i am tierd of writing Qs. pick something

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Quiz topic: What is my favorite west coast football team?
