What is Your Favorite Keyblade From Kingdom Hearts 2?

This is a test to see what is your favorite keyblade of all time in Kingdom Hearts II(2). So just click to do it and it will be fun to do.So click it right KNOW!

Why do i have to do this so im just going to type until it is Ok...oknow almost done. i judt need to type a little more almost done and there we go.

Created by: Zeke
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wich is your Favorite below ?
  2. Who is your Favorite below ?
  3. Do you like Kingdom Hearts II (2) ?
  4. hfjx hchdkd yikc xys iurd ?
  5. This Is The Final Question.
  6. NOT! HA HA HA !!!!! Fooled Ya!! OK so this is the 8th question. The Question is that who is your Favorite Hero World Character ?
  7. Who is your Favorite World Villian Character?
  8. Wich is your Favorite?
  9. Stop!
  10. This Tme it is The Final Question! It is............WHO......................ARE...................YOU!

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Quiz topic: What is my Favorite Keyblade From Kingdom Hearts 2?