What is your favorite gun?

Have you ever wondered what type of soldier, or what type of gun is your absoulute favorite? Sniper rifle, LMG, or Assualt Rifle. Rocket Launcher, Handgun, or Submachine Gun?

What gun do you think is your favorite? Do you like to charge in, use stealth, or kill from affar? Are you old-fashioned, big gun-toting, or like to make things go boom!

Created by: Jacob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There is an enemy right in front of you who has no idea that you are there. How do you kill him?
  2. There is a table in front of you that has weapons on it. What kind of weapon do you choose?
  3. You are to choose an animal. What do you choose?
  4. Who do you want to be when you grow up?
  5. There is an enemy shooting at you. What do you do!
  6. You are told this was a suicide mission. How do you want to go out?
  7. Do you like this quiz so far? (This has no effect on outcome.)
  8. There is a soldier who gives up right in front of you. How do you kill him?
  9. What do you wear?
  10. What's your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What is my favorite gun?