How well do you know me?

~ This is all about me and my life . I want to see just how well you know me . And if you aren't really close to me then take your best shot and see how you do. I made it just for fun too see how many of you really know me ! ! !

~ Do you know me as well as you think you do ? Do you know where i want to go? What my favorite color is? How about my favorite candy? Take this quiz and see just how well you know me ! ! !

Created by: Amy Shaffer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Am i married?
  2. I have a cat. What is his name?
  3. How many Tattoos do i have?
  4. How many peircings do i have?
  5. What is my favorite color?
  6. Who am i in love with?
  7. I live in.......
  8. My middle name is.......
  9. Would i rather.....
  10. My birthday is in what month?
  11. What sport do i like best?
  12. If i could go anywhere in the world....where would i go?
  13. My favorite candy is........
  14. The man i love is in the......
  15. Who is my best guyfriend?
  16. Who is my best girl-friend?
  17. My cell service is.....
  18. My favorite animal is.....

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?