What Is your favorite color

What's your favorite color? What describes you? Red, blue or yellow? Find out in this awesome, fun, cool, amazing, what the beep, fantastic, no good, quiz!

Are you done yet? Good. Was it cool. Good. Are you board? Yes? Well poop. It's not my fault. What you get? Rate me awesome maybe? Sweet. NOW LEAVE YOU STUPID PERSON!!!

Created by: trinity
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Were do you hang out?
  2. do you know me?
  3. fgbiuewvcygoiuwhrps
  4. i say popcorn you say...
  5. my name is..
  6. qa1zs2wxd3ecf4rt5vgy6bh7unj8ik9ol
  7. can you swim
  8. puppies!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i board
  10. What now

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Quiz topic: What Is my favorite color