what is your favorite brand of clothing

take this quiz to find out if u have a good style.for example-selena gomez,ashley tisdale,or demi lavato.take it now and find out!!!take this quiz.TAKE IT NOW PLEASE.

do U have a good style? if so take this quiz.and you'll know.thanks for taking it and just in a few min you'll find out.take it now.please take it now.it's awesome.

Created by: leanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color out of these?
  2. are u?
  3. where would u like to shop?
  4. what kind of bathing suit do u have?
  5. what kind of bags do u like?
  6. what kind of jeans do u wear?
  7. what type of shoes do u wear?
  8. would u rather wear?
  9. pick one
  10. hurry your leaving and what to u grab first?

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Quiz topic: What is my favorite brand of clothing