what is your favorite assassins creed game

this is a good quiz for all assassins creed fans.This is really all i have to say.because i am lazy the rest of this will be jeberish asdfghjklkjhgfdsdf


Created by: Joseph Vajtay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite time period
  2. which of these bad people would you want to kill
  3. what would be more painful
  4. who is your favorite Templar
  5. do you watch/red Ign review site reviews and agree with them
  6. is unity you favorite assassins creed game
  7. is assassins creed 2 your favorite assassins creed game
  8. which is your favorite halo game
  9. what is your favorite color
  10. what is your least favorite assassins creed game

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Quiz topic: What is my favorite assassins creed game