What is your fate?

This is a quiz on what your future will be like. Dont be downput if youre resilts arent what you expected, Im not a genie. If you enjoy this quiz, follow me on instagram, if you dont like this quiz, subscribe to me on youtube.

Since i have to write another paragraph, let me tell you that the only way to love is to be loved. Never let curiosity get the better of your soul. Always lower your expectations. Enja.

Created by: Nicolas
  1. What is most important to you?
  2. What is your goal in life?
  3. Are you all about the new video game everyone is talking about?
  4. What is your gradepoint average?
  5. Are You Popular?
  6. What Is Your Biggest Interest?
  7. What Technology Do You Have?
  8. You are dared to jump over multiple buses with a motorcycle. You...
  9. Do you push yourself to work harder?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? XDXDXDXDXDXDXD

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Quiz topic: What is my fate?
