What is your Fatal Flaw ?

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Fatal flaws are something people tend to think of as their weakness and wants to fix it badly. But fatal flaws are what makes each and everyone of us special and unique as we continue to venture into this world we live in.

Flaws might be good if used in the right way. But fatal flaws can also be the cause of your downfall. You can learn to control them or embrace them as your own. Do you know what your fatal flaw is ? Thanks to this quiz, you're about to find out ! Let's start now !

Created by: Arabella Syndergaard

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your calculus teacher asked you a question. You answered her with 100% confidence in yourself that you're right. But, the teacher said you got it wrong and called someone else from the class. What is your reaction ?
  2. You're a committed Directioner and you love One Direction with all your heart and soul. One day, you rode on the bus and "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift was on but you have a strange craving to listen to 1D. What do you do ?
  3. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. You love him/her so much ! But one day, you found out he/she was cheating on you with the best friend you treasure since you were a child ! Your bf/gf or your best friend ?
  4. You are the winner of the science fair every single year in your school. And you expected that you'll do the same this year. And you did with flying colors. People cheered and thrown claps at you. You were so happy. But, one in the crowd suddenly screamed "What a rip off ! The person probably cheated !" What do you say ?
  5. Your professor tasked you to create a pop up book based on the myth "Jason and the Golden Fleece." You were working on it for weeks with little to no sleep each day. Finally, as you were finishing up with the final touches necessary,you noticed that you forgot one scene to add to your book. What do you do ?
  6. You were strolling out on the mall with your aunt and she bought you a new expensive and beautiful guess bag. You loved it so much and can't wait to try it out. The next day, you hung out with friends and brought your bag to let them drool about it. As you were bragging, someone spilled hot latte all over it and the bag was ruined. What will you do ?
  7. You were out adventuring on the woods with your best friend carrying huge bags to load some stuffs your mother said you needed. But,it was actually just dragging you down. Along the way, you came across with a lion who looked very very hungry. You and your best friend were separated. It was up to the lion who he wants to eat first. Then, he lunges at your friend. Quick ! Think fast ! What would you do ?
  8. You are having problems about the current task you are trying to complete. Its messing you up and you think too much on many possible solutions. But none of them worked. Your friend, Diana noticed you're troubled behavior for the past few days. She asked you, "Hey ! What's up ? You look down lately. Care to tell me ?" What would you say ?
  9. You were on a road trip with friends and you were the one driving. You suggested to take them to a certain spot your family always go to during an outing, claiming that you knew the way like the back of your hand. They all agreed. But, along the way you got lost and forgot which way to go. You don't want to tell your friends you're lost or they'll panic at your face. So, what will you do ?
  10. You work part-time on a parlor shop. A costumer came in on a Sunday morning and asked if you could cut her hair just plain straight. After you were finished, you noticed some tiny hair that should've been cut short. You must've missed them. Would you cut it ?
  11. Which of the following set of words/phrases greatly apply to you ?
  12. Which of these quotes you like the most ?
  13. What do you think is your fatal flaw ?
  14. (Extra Material. Just for fun. These are stuffs I wanna ask you people) Do you like One Direction ?
  15. (Extra Material) How did you find this quiz ?

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Quiz topic: What is my Fatal Flaw ?