What is your element of power?

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For your infomation, these questions have a chance they are 50% not acurate and a 50% chance the are acurate. (Just joking :)) I hope you will be able to find out your element of power.

There are six possiblitys. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice, and Thunder. There are eleven questions and I hope you will take the time to answer them all.

Created by: Liz
  1. You would describe yourself as...
  2. What kind of music do you like?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. Out of all these elements, which do you like the most?
  5. Greatest fears?
  6. Stregnths?
  7. Do you have feeling for other people
  8. where do you like to hang out
  9. What do you like to eat
  10. Did you like my quiz?
  11. Will you be on the look out for more of my quizs?

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Quiz topic: What is my element of power?
