What is your Duck Dynasty character

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Love Duck dynasty? Well on This quiz is made for all Duck dynasty lovers now is you take this test, you will see wich character iw true blue you!!!!!!

You will have a chance to be willie, si, jase, or phil. I have made some'fun questions for you to awncer hope you a happy with your result and plz comment who you got and if you like it :-)

Created by: nail polish

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u like ice tea and how often do you drink it?
  2. Would you ever take something so simple (ex: duck calls) ant make it a million doller bisnnes?
  3. Even if your family gets on your nerves will you always love them?
  4. When life gives you some wood, a carveing knife, and some ducks, what do u make?
  5. Who is the husband of korie, the son of mrs kay ans the dad of john luke?
  6. Your dad made a $1,000,000 idea and wants you to work with him, what is your title?
  7. Here's just a randome question, on a scail from 10 being the best and 1 being the worst, what would you rate This quiz so far?
  8. Who is your fav girl from Duck dynasty?
  9. How do you wach your Duck dynasty (This will not effect your score
  10. Last one this will also not affect your score, who's yoir fav

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Quiz topic: What is my Duck Dynasty character