what is your dapper level ?

dapperness is awesome. but only a few people can be dapper. afterall being dapper is awesome. dapperness will attract people to you. therefore, dapperness is awesome.

are you dapper? do you have the awesomeness to be dapper? if you think you do then do this epic quiz of epicness to find out your dapper level dude or find out how not dapper are you

Created by: Brydon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you think you look dapper?
  2. do you wear sleeveless shirts most of the time?
  3. do you like to play the computer?
  4. do you like watching youtube?
  5. which phone do you like most?
  6. do you like albert fish?
  7. which country do you like the most?
  8. what colour do you like the most?
  9. which material is the best to you?
  10. which car brand do you like most?
  11. which computer brand you like most?
  12. which computer brand you like most?

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Quiz topic: What is my dapper level ?