What is your color?

this quiz is about what shade of color you are. if you bright and nonshy, or if you soft and shy. that is what this is about! i hope you enjoy the quiz and have a great time taking it. thank you

are you soft or bight? you dying to know well DUH heres your chance right infront of you! so take the chance and do this cause it took me forever and i wont as many people to do this as they can!

Created by: zoeyann

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fave food?
  2. what is you sibling like?
  3. what is your fave animal?
  4. what is you fave subject?
  5. whats your fave state?
  6. what is the most boring thing?
  7. is this getting boring?
  8. do you like the person who is making this test?
  9. what school level are you in?
  10. what is the best color?
  11. whats better to have?
  12. do you wont you resotse there comeing after this ?

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Quiz topic: What is my color?